website / web beginner band

Many ways to develop cyberspace band is one of the proper promotion and cheap for our band
many sites or web site is provided for joining and sharing (share) information about the music, even mutually promote each band for example:

FACEBOOK ang proper means for the promotion of our band with fanspage features ..

I suggest do not singup through Facebook to avoid our myspace account can not upload your own songs
Here we get to interact with local artists or beyond even our idols, update all songs and their pangung schedule.
can connect to the myspace page facebook also can take video and song widget

This can be done with the sign up of Facebook
Here we get to interact with local artists or beyond even our idols, update all songs and their stage schedule.
Reverbnation can be connected to the page on facebook also can take video and song widget

Of course one must blog for a band to complete its development with the features provided
but if you want to try Google sites own band, providing you with a google account have its own,

It's easy to sign up on this site
can store music with a capacity of more than 8MB .. (on other sites exist that must be under 8MB)
we can share songs and other people can downloud our song

Some of the links above is an example of my music