Learning Photograph

Photographing is a process of creativity is not just going to shoot objects which we record and then press the shutter button on the camera . In creating a work of images we have to have an idea ( concept ) that mature to be no trouble in the field and equally important is the understanding of the composition , sharpness and lighting ( technical ) .

Material types photographs aim to introduce some kind of photo as a reference further deepen their knowledge in the world of photography .
The types of photos here only as an outline grouping , which helps facilitate us in understanding a work of photography , and this is not a classification that patent to produce photographs .


Photo of human is the main object of all the photos people , both children to the elderly , young and old alike.
The main element in this photograph is a man , who can offer value and appeal to be visualized .
This picture is further divided into several categories ,
namely :

a. Portrait
Portrait is a photograph showing the expression and human character in daily life. Human character varying will offer its own image in making portraits .

The challenge in making portraits is to capture the object expression ( mimic , gaze , facial wrinkles ), which could give the impression of a person's emotional and creating characters .

b . Human Interest
Human Interest in photography is to depict human life or human interaction in everyday life and emotional expression that shows the problems of human life , which is where all of it brought a sense of excitement and a sense of sympathy for the people who enjoy the photo .

c . Stage Photography Stage
Photography is all the photos that show the activity / human lifestyle is part of the culture and the entertainment world to be exploited and interesting material to be visualized .

d .Sport
Sports photos is the kind of photo that captures the exciting action and spectacular sporting events and games . This type of photograph requires precision and speed of a photographer to capture the best moments .


In this kind of photograph nature is the main object of objects and living things natural (natural ) such as animals, plants , mountains , forests and others.

a. Flora Pictures
The main object type with photos of plants and herbs known to photograph flora species . Different types of plants with all its diversity offers the beauty and attractiveness values ​​to be recorded with a camera .
b . Fauna Photos
Photos fauna is kind of images with different types of animals as the main object . This photo displays in the animal world attraction activities and interactions .
c . Landscape photo

Photos landscape is so popular type of photo photograph as humans . Photo landscape photograph landscape is comprised of representatives from the sky , land and water , while humans , animals , and plants only as supporting elements in this photo . Natural expression as well as the weather became major moment in assessing the success of making landscape photos .

herever you go to see the buildings in a variety of sizes , shapes , colors and designs . In this type of photograph showing the beauty of a building in terms of history , culture , design and construction . Photographing a building from all sides and find the value of beauty to be very important in making this photo . Photos architecture is not separated from the world hebohnya architecture and civil engineering so that this type of photo to be quite an important role .

Photo of still life is creating an image of the object or inanimate objects. Creating images of inanimate objects become attractive and looks " alive " , communicative , expressive and contains a message that will be delivered is the most important part in the creation of these photographs . Photo still life not just copy or move the object into the film by way of improvised , because if such is done , his name was documented . This type of photo is a kind of photo challenge in testing the creativity , imagination , and technical capabilities .

Photojournalism is the photo used for the benefit of the press or interest information . In delivering his message , there must be a caption ( the text describes the content photograph ) as part of the presentation of this type of photo . This photo type frequently encountered in the mass media ( newspapers , magazines , bulletins, etc. ) .

Once we know the types of photos , it is time to figure out how to produce a work memotrer photograph . A photographer at first to master the camera and how to work the camera .

Terms of focusing in photography is the process of sharpening images on a specific area of an object shooting . Focusing is the most basic technique but it is so important , because to get a sharp picture and clear we must do precisely focusing . The selection of areas or points in an image object will determine the impression of " depth " in a photograph . Object that we will face in a photo shoot not just still objects , but we will also be faced with moving objects ( eg sports photos ) , this will affect the level of difficulty in focusing. For the learning phase , focusing on stationary objects do first until we understand exactly focusing techniques .

Speed ​​settings
Negative combustion process inside the camera to get a particular image is affected by the workings of the camera and the shutter speed . We can determine the shutter speed when burning with speed setting . The higher speed (high speed ) that we use the faster shutter works well and conversely , the lower the speed (low speed ) that we will use the slower the shutter works . In the photography world there is a term normal lighting ( normal exposure ) , low light ( under exposure ) and high exposure ( over exposure ) . Normal lighting is where we determine the exact speed and aperture to get the picture as to the actual state of the object image . Over exposure ( high exposure ) is compensated at speed settings to get more lighting intensity than normal lighting and the resulting images were brighter than the original condition . Under exposure ( low light ) is the exposure compensation setting to reduce the intensity of light speed under normal lighting . Under exposure is often used when the light conditions in the photoshoot too hard so pengkompensasian will be required to obtain maximum image .

Diaphragm setting
An interesting photo where the photo there is room dimensions or the impression of depth . Facility on the camera lens diaphragm plays an important role in regulating the separation between the main object and the background field . Diaphragm also determine how much space on the photo sharp . The smaller the aperture the sharper the living space that we can get and the larger the aperture , the more narrow sharply in the photo space .

1 .Zooming

Zooming is a creative photo shoot by utilizing the zoom ring on the camera lens . Zoom in is to make objects appear closer images while zooming out is to make images of objects appear farther away . In the setting of speed and proper use of the zoom will give the effect of motion ( motion ) in the images .Ingredients :
a. camera
b . Tripod ( if needed )
c . Radial Zoom filter ( if necessary )

How to make :
Photographing zooming , require a slow speed , so make sure your camera's speed at the slow speed setting , make sure the object in a state of focus
Once the speed is determined , then proceed to set the aperture to adjust speed in order to get normal lighting
After obtaining normal , snap the shutter by turning the zoom ring simultaneously , if the zoom ring rotated from far to near , it is called the zoom -in , zoom ring if played from close to far away called zooming out
If you have trouble with slow speed , you can use a tripod or radial zoom filter .

2 .Panning

Panning is creative shooting techniques to get the effect on the motion of moving objects ( motor racing , people running , etc. ) . Results of the panning technique is the effect of motion ( motion ) in the background ( background ) .
Ingredients :
a. camera
b .Tripod ( if needed )

How to make :
Just like photographing zooming , panning takes pictures of a slow speed in order to produce the effect of motion . So make sure your camera is in slow speed setting
Then go ahead and set the diaphragm in order to get normal lighting
Push the shutter along with changing the direction of the camera to follow the motion of objects
To get maximum results , make sure the shutter is pressed when the object is right in the middle of the camera
If you have trouble with slow speed , use a tripod .

3 . Double / Multiple Exposure

Is shooting techniques by combining multiple image recording / picture frame in one frame . This technique requires pouring creativity , ideas , concepts and understanding of the composition and lighting .
Ingredients :
a. camera
b . Multi Exposure Filter ( if required )

How to make :
a. Multi- exposure photograph in need of ideas, concepts , and creativity . So make sure you already have an ide

b . If you already have an idea , make sure the object that you want to portrait in normal lighting conditions ( set the first speed and diaphragm

c. If the lighting is normal , push the shutter button . Object 1 is you get

d. To get the object to the 2nd, 3rd , etc. . , Repeat the above sequence . But before turning the cock , then turn the multi exposes new cock , and then push the shutter and so o

e. To get maximum results , make sure you 've thought about serving for objects 1 , 2 , 3 , etc. in one fram

f. If you have trouble , you can use multi- exposure filter .

4 . BulbBulb

shooting is the process by utilizing the bulb on the camera . Bulb on the camera facility provides flexibility in determining how long the shutter is open for the combustion process . When we are shooting in low light conditions or very less ( at night ) , and speed priority can no longer get the normal lighting facilities bulb on the camera would be very helpful . To avoid shock ( shaking ) , aids tripod and cable release is needed .
Ingredients :
a. camera
b . tripod
c . Release cables

How to make :
Make sure your camera is in setting speed bulb
For the diaphragm , it is up to the photographer . If the aperture width of the effect of light source will be rounded . If the aperture narrow the effect of the light source will be a star-shaped
For the duration of the shutter opening ( speed ) , the photographer can set your own time
To avoid shaking the camera , it is better to use a tripod or cable release .

5 . Silhouette

Silhouette shooting is a technique to display images of objects in the dark . The technique makes use towards the light source coming from behind the object to be our portrait . This technique requires precision lighting to record objects we still look to the right contour and sharpness .
Ingredients :
a. camera

How to make :
This silhouette technique utilizing a light source coming from behind the object so that the measurement speed and aperture is located on the light source
Because we measure the normal lighting on the light source is behind the object , then the effect of existing objects in front of him will be darker .

6 . Macro

Macro photography is creative in using a macro lens to get pictures of objects that are very close. Macro picture is also used to get the detail and texture of the objects we portraits . In macro shooting , sharp space will be very limited because it required precision pancahayaan and focusing. When there is no macro lens for this shoot we can work around this by reversing the normal lens for macro pemotreta .
Ingredients :
a. camera
b . Macro lens ( if you have one )
c . Filter Close Up

How to make :
If you have macro lens , it can be done such as macro shooting photography in general
If you do not have a macro lens , you can get around by reversing the normal lens
If you are still having trouble , use a close up filter

7 . Framing

Framing is a creative photo shoot by utilizing other elements on the objects that we take so form an impression of the frame / frame separately to add value and strengthen the unique and attractive visual impression of the photo .

8 . Strobis

Strobist is the technique of using the external flash , so do not use the camera hotshoe above , but with the help of a trigger , or Flash that can be used as a master . This wireless trigger tools generally use radio waves or infrared rays to ignite flash slave ( flash others should follow the main flash ) . The advantage to using this technique we can position one or more flash anywhere to set the direction , intensity , light to produce images that we want .