Beautiful Crop Circle

Crop Circle is mysterious natural phenomenon which is now the most frequently seen.For nearly 350 years since the first appearance in England in 1647,

until now there has been no definite answer how they are formed.
Crop circle is a circle and other shapes such as geometry (and plumpness large / wide), even some that are commonly encountered form the image of living creatures such as scorpions, sunflowers, bees, etc.
the fields of agriculture, especially wheat. In the UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Japan, many found the phenomenon of crop circles. This phenomenon usually occurs in the summer when farm fields overgrown with plants .. Geometry is sometimes in the form of circles or can also form a unique series of images, which show that the author is an intelligent creature. But, this is not a crop circle made ​​by humans based on a variety of evidence that has been investigated by scientists.

 Many crop circles linking this with spiritual activities as a series of forms geomtri formed in the farm fields (the images formed by plants that fall / collapse). According to available information, the emergence of crop circle phenomenon is often accompanied by sightings ufo-shaped light bulb. A successful video record the occurrence of a crop circle (oliver's castle in 1996, see photo above) indicates that a crop circle formed in only about 20 seconds. Though the amount of tens of meters. This phenomenon is even thought to have emerged since hundreds of years ago. A carved wooden sculpture from the 17th century called "Mowing Devil" shows a creature was believed to be the devil, making mischief in the form of a circle on the farm.
Emergence in Russia a few years ago is astounding, where they appeared one after exchanges.Peoples about who saw it really did not understand how they could be formed as soon as itu.On overnight period, about 6-7 crop circle with a large size have been formed in the expanse of wheat fields they make them even more amazed is various forms of crop circle itself, there is formed the image of sunflower magnificent Until now, a lot of speculation and views on the formation of the Crop Circle.Ada peroses who think the phenomenon is created by humans, but some are considered purely from the natural phenomena. Trusloe Avebury, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 30th June 2006 speculations and assumptions about the strange circle crop circles in wheat fields mysterious is that always the focus and research attention from the scientific community, and there has been no conclusion on the cause of this phenomenon, there are 5 major versions . Here's the explanation
Here's the explanation :

Human actions

Actually hard to believe if human actions. Quite a lot of them think, that what is called circular wheat fields was not more than one fraudulent act. According to scientists from the UK Anderro that has investigated while researching this phenomenon for 17 years, that there are about 80% circle wheat fields that are man-made. A British national has told the media that he and some friends are making a circular wheat fields in London, England. Previously they had been preparing design drawings, when nearly ripe wheat in the fields, with a long nail dipantakkan in wheat fields, and the nail was used as its center, then, circling the ground with a rope, then came a wheat field circle. The problem is, is it possible he could make a circle in one night without adequate tools? then made ​​for what purpose?

Magnetic field :

Some strange circle has been sidelined likely due to human activities. Because the structure of their images (strange circles) complex, large size, beautiful design, was not the result of man-made that can be done overnight. Although Anderro insisted that 80% of the wheat crop circles are man-made, however, he also believes that the remaining 20% ​​is a natural formation due to the effect of Earth's magnetic field. In a magnetic field there is a supernatural power of motion, can produce an electric current, so that the plant "lay flat" above ground level. Relevant experts from the U.S. that Jeffery Walson has researched over 130 circular wheat fields, and found that 90% around the circle there is a strange transformer associated with high voltage cables. Under a long line along the circumference of 270 meters there is a pool, because in-watered, the ions are removed soil from the bottom of the wheat fields can generate electrically negative, while the transformer is connected to the high voltage wires produce positive elekrik. After the negative and positive electrical contact to produce electrical magnetic energy, then tear down the grain and form a strange circle. However, they can not provide all the answers of the question how the odd shapes that can be formed? Is it possible that energy can take the form of flowers or a scorpion?

Tornado winds :
According to physicists at the University of Michigan, USA that is Dr.Delon Smith, that the erratic changes in the summer, tornadoes are the main reasons that caused the strange circle. Through his research he found that a large number of strange circles in wheat fields that appear on the side of a mountain or areas within 60-70 km of the mountain, where a place like this is a place that is easy to form a tornado. But if a tornado can make a circle with a certain precision is?

Or artificial extraterrestrial most recognizable Aliens ..

Many believe, that most of the strange circles in the wheat field is formed in one night, chances are the work of extraterrestrials. Since 1990, photographer Alexander said, he saw a strange light in the wheat fields, the light was flying here and there in between the two circles weird. The existence of aliens in the stomachs of wild ducks in San Francisco United States may reinforce this notion.

Heterodoxy (discordant views)

Some people believe, that behind the circular wheat fields there are various kinds of supernatural powers, so rich in the Bermuda triangle. According to these allegations, there is a strange circle and then call it a "disaster notification", so as to spread the discordant views that deviate from orthodox teachings. Why strange circles often appear there? And now, a circle that never appeared in a sunflower field, Russia, then why could that be? Maybe we can just wait for scientists to uncover more.
Crop circle phenomenon could be explained by physics. Patterns that emerge can be generated from microwaves from Earth, lasers, and GPS. Thus described by Richard Taylor, a researcher from the University of Oregon, USA, which also revealed that traces of symmetrical patterns in agricultural areas had nothing to do with extraterrestrials. Estimated crop circle appeared over 10,000 times throughout the 20th century. Each appearance is always associated with the extraterrestrial presence, even things that relate to the supernatural.
New in 1991, appeared the first recognition of crop circle makers. He admitted to making crop circles to spread rumors about UFOs. Even so, the explanation still leaves the question among scientists: how could such a work of art made without leaving the slightest trace, and usually can be completed in one night.
In his explanation, Richard Taylor denied the use of a number of traditional instruments that may be used to make crop circles. "In modern times, the use of boards and ropes to lay the plants and benches to jump from one area to another so as not to leave a trail, it is too troublesome to get results in a short time," said Taylor.
According to Taylor, crop circle makers can use high-tech devices, such as GPS devices to place the shapes and magnetrons, tubes that use electricity and magnetism to generate intense heat, to lay down crops with high speed.
Although impressed valid and plausible, explanations Taylor not necessarily be accepted, until there is a crop circle makers who want to explain the tricks of manufacture. Even so, Taylor's statement published in Physics World this could be used as a reference.
"Taylor has been acting as a good scientist, examine the facts related to the design and construction of crop circles without getting carried away current UFO, gossip, and aliens," said Matin Durrani, editor of Physics World